The BetterHVAC Movement

Join us to accelerate change in our industry.

What Is BetterHVAC?

It’s a social hashtag.

It’s a social movement.

It’s social accountability.

It’s a website with useful tools.

It’s a doorway to discover a better way.

Kevin R. Hart

I hold so much optimism for the HVAC industry, there are many great people trying to fill critical gaps in training, education, and innovation. While the industry is not where it needs to be, I see BetterHVAC being the central place where all of the great efforts and individuals in this industry can come together and create more momentum and awareness.

Susan Dunn

It means I do the best job while using the technology available to maintain efficient safe systems.

Byron Cowart

It’s a way to give the people around the path and ability to have reputable work done or to learn to do reputable work.

Bill Spohn, Sr.

BetterHVAC means committing to doing the best work, not always the fastest or easiest way to get a job done, but work of high integrity.

Amplify Better.

The BetterHVAC Movement represents a groundbreaking initiative, propelling the residential HVAC industry towards a future of excellence and innovation. It calls upon professionals to rise above current standards and actively shape the industry’s future.

Our Vision

To forge a unified community within the HVAC industry, committed to unparalleled professionalism and ongoing advancement.

Our Mission

To empower HVAC professionals through lifelong learning, dedication to excellence, and active participation in industry evolution.

Learn More About the Movement

Deep Dive Into BetterHVAC

A few BetterHVAC Champions had the opportunity to discuss BetterHVAC live at the HVACR Training Sympsium.

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